Grovenor School
Grovenor School is home to an Edmonton Public School Pre-K to Grade 6 school, the First Discoveries Preschool and Little Angels Daycare.
A Message from the Grovenor School Parent Advisory Council
Grovenor School believes children learn at different rates and times and in different ways. It is our mission to provide exceptional educational opportunities, with an expectation of individual excellence in achievement. We do this by providing caring individualized supports that enable students to learn and grow at their own rate. Our hope is that each of our students will become responsible, productive, contributing members of a global community.
We believe in "Success for all". Parental and community support are highly valued aspects of our school community. Grovenor Parent Advisory Council is a very active board that raises funds, plans activities and communicates with the school to make a successful environment for our children and community. We run meetings monthly and all parents are welcome to join in any capacity! We are always looking for help.
Grovenor School houses programs that support our whole child and family focus. First Discoveries preschool, Little Angels Daycare and Out of School Care provide great programming for children 0-12 years.
Our school is able to meet the needs of pre-kindergarten to grade six students and serve as an inclusive setting for numerous special needs students of varying ability and need. Grovenor School is also a district site for Division I and II Behavior and Learning Assistance Programs with a focus on integration opportunities. As a school we focus on developing the whole child by offering literacy programming, Spanish as a second language and culture, daily physical education, and ORFF music instruction. Grovenor School and all of its child care partners foster self-worth and the love of learning through rich and diversified curricular activities that promote intellectual, physical and emotional growth. Grovenor School is committed to developing 21st century literacy skills, using a Balanced Literacy approach, providing Middle Years Literacy Intervention, 5 Pillars assessments and Empower, as well as school-wide Guided Reading and assessment for learning practices to support and engage student learners. Healthy bodies, healthy minds and healthy attitudes are what we strive for.
Grovenor School continues to grow each year and is a wonderful place for students to learn and grow. The pride in our school can be felt throughout our community!
You can contact us at [email protected]
Grovenor School believes children learn at different rates and times and in different ways. It is our mission to provide exceptional educational opportunities, with an expectation of individual excellence in achievement. We do this by providing caring individualized supports that enable students to learn and grow at their own rate. Our hope is that each of our students will become responsible, productive, contributing members of a global community.
We believe in "Success for all". Parental and community support are highly valued aspects of our school community. Grovenor Parent Advisory Council is a very active board that raises funds, plans activities and communicates with the school to make a successful environment for our children and community. We run meetings monthly and all parents are welcome to join in any capacity! We are always looking for help.
Grovenor School houses programs that support our whole child and family focus. First Discoveries preschool, Little Angels Daycare and Out of School Care provide great programming for children 0-12 years.
Our school is able to meet the needs of pre-kindergarten to grade six students and serve as an inclusive setting for numerous special needs students of varying ability and need. Grovenor School is also a district site for Division I and II Behavior and Learning Assistance Programs with a focus on integration opportunities. As a school we focus on developing the whole child by offering literacy programming, Spanish as a second language and culture, daily physical education, and ORFF music instruction. Grovenor School and all of its child care partners foster self-worth and the love of learning through rich and diversified curricular activities that promote intellectual, physical and emotional growth. Grovenor School is committed to developing 21st century literacy skills, using a Balanced Literacy approach, providing Middle Years Literacy Intervention, 5 Pillars assessments and Empower, as well as school-wide Guided Reading and assessment for learning practices to support and engage student learners. Healthy bodies, healthy minds and healthy attitudes are what we strive for.
Grovenor School continues to grow each year and is a wonderful place for students to learn and grow. The pride in our school can be felt throughout our community!
You can contact us at [email protected]
Welcome to First Discoveries Preschool!
It is a child’s natural way of making sense of the surrounding world.
By providing a supportive and engaging learning environment, play experiences offer ample opportunities to observe, explore, manipulate, test and retest theories and make predictions, tools necessary for whole child development. Firsthand social interactions are the conduit to express feelings, develop confidence and resilience and discover their bodies and capabilities, thus giving them a sense of accomplishment and self-fulfillment.
At First Discoveries Preschool, children are appreciated for their individuality and our inclusive program reflects the needs of children and their families. The program explores seasonal changes and calendar holidays, and often spontaneous activities based on observations of children’s interests, making our daily activities more child-guided than adult directed. These are delivered through creative art materials and mediums, stories, songs, finger plays, music and movement, dramatic play, baking and group discussions. Math and Science are naturally incorporated into our daily experiences. The role of the staff is to provide a respectful, safe and nurturing environment that promotes cognitive and social emotional skills necessary for later academic success.
Parents, teachers and children are all equal players and integral components in the operation of this program. Our objective is to provide opportunities for each participant to meet their needs and develop their potential.
Throughout the years, First Discoveries Preschool has been a strong advocate for the rights of children, regardless of abilities, and as such, we offer an inclusive program that welcomes children with developmental delays and physical disabilities. Our school is wheelchair accessible. We could not do it without the support of educational partners, like Children’s Autism Services of Edmonton (Maier Centre), Centre for Autism Services Alberta, GRIT, Over The Rainbow, Community Options and CASA to name a few. We are also sensitive to students whose home language is not English.
Check out a video about our program by clicking right here.
It is a child’s natural way of making sense of the surrounding world.
By providing a supportive and engaging learning environment, play experiences offer ample opportunities to observe, explore, manipulate, test and retest theories and make predictions, tools necessary for whole child development. Firsthand social interactions are the conduit to express feelings, develop confidence and resilience and discover their bodies and capabilities, thus giving them a sense of accomplishment and self-fulfillment.
At First Discoveries Preschool, children are appreciated for their individuality and our inclusive program reflects the needs of children and their families. The program explores seasonal changes and calendar holidays, and often spontaneous activities based on observations of children’s interests, making our daily activities more child-guided than adult directed. These are delivered through creative art materials and mediums, stories, songs, finger plays, music and movement, dramatic play, baking and group discussions. Math and Science are naturally incorporated into our daily experiences. The role of the staff is to provide a respectful, safe and nurturing environment that promotes cognitive and social emotional skills necessary for later academic success.
Parents, teachers and children are all equal players and integral components in the operation of this program. Our objective is to provide opportunities for each participant to meet their needs and develop their potential.
Throughout the years, First Discoveries Preschool has been a strong advocate for the rights of children, regardless of abilities, and as such, we offer an inclusive program that welcomes children with developmental delays and physical disabilities. Our school is wheelchair accessible. We could not do it without the support of educational partners, like Children’s Autism Services of Edmonton (Maier Centre), Centre for Autism Services Alberta, GRIT, Over The Rainbow, Community Options and CASA to name a few. We are also sensitive to students whose home language is not English.
Check out a video about our program by clicking right here.